
Reception and inscription

From 6 pm

This moment can be invested as you wish  (discussions, event organizations, individual or collective project developments, etc.).

You can get informed, check if your objectives and expectations correspond with Palabres. If not, people are directed to the network.

Espace de paroles

From 6:30 to 7:30 pm, every two weeks
L'espace de paroles is a time, where people have the opportunity to express themselves on topics and to share their life experiences.
During these exchanges, the development of communication skills in French is encouraged. It is also a way to strengthen the sense of belonging and sharing between people.
Photo: Eddie Taz

French workshops

From 7:30 to 9 pm
The four workshops allow you to integrate a group corresponding to your French level.
Regular participation is encouraged but you don't have to if you can't. Everyone is responsible for their learning
It is possible to start at any time of the year (depending on the places available).
To register, simply visit us! It is also possible to contact us by email. The registration fee costs CHF 10.- and there are NO admission criteria.

One-off activities

These are activities, such as workshops about prevention against discrimination, a film club, socio-cultural, sports and/or socializing outings.
By collaborating with other associations, Palabres develops activities that promote the social and professional integration of migrants, as well as meeting and exchanging with the population.
These activities are proposed and organized with the participation of everyone. They can be found in the calendar of events on the homepage and on Facebook.